
Content Writing: Make Money Writing Online

Everyone wants to have an online presence. People strive to be seen and heard by the masses, but one of the most difficult tasks is finding a way to put words into coherent sentences. For some, the task of writing for their website or blog can seem daunting and impossible. But there are many jobs out there for content writers who want to share their voice with others without needing a degree in English from Harvard.

In this article I will talk about what you need in order to become a content writer and how you can break into this field successfully if it is your desired occupation.

Step 1: Figure Out What You Want To Write

Every content writer has a particular niche, an area that they like to specialize in. When you are looking into jobs as a content writer, you will want to figure out what your niche is. Some of the major niches that are popular are parenting, career advice, and relationships. Once you have figured out what niche you want to write about, then it is time to move onto step 2.

Step 2: Find A Way To Make Money Writing Online

Now that we have decided which niche we want to write about and there is a demand for content in this field, we need to find ways to make money writing online. This could be easy or difficult depending on your niche. There are many different ways that you can make money writing online:

Sponsoring a blog or website. This is probably the easiest way to make money as a content writer. When you sign up to write content for an established blog or website, then they will pay you to share their content. Logging into freelance websites such as Elance and oDesk. If you choose this route, then it is important that you research these websites thoroughly before submitting your writing for potential employers. Renting out space on your blog and making it available for hire for others to write on your site and then charging them for their use of it. When you take this approach it can be very beneficial to your blog to have multiple voices contributing to your content. Taking on a blogging job for pay. There are many different jobs that you could find if you are willing to do the research.

Step 3: Write!

The next step is to generate the content that is needed for your niche. Once you have established your niche, then it is time for step 4.

Step 4: Write! Some More! and Edit Multiple Times!

This step cannot be stressed enough. It is important not only as a writer, but as a businessperson that you are able to deliver quality work every time you publish something new. Research your topic and then write an interesting, informative article. Write it, re-write it, edit it, and then ensure that you have made each sentence flow into the next. Remember that you are trying to give someone a reason to read your article so they want to come back and read more at a later date. If you want to learn more about writing interesting articles, then try reading this post on how to make informational posts interesting

Step 5: Repeat

Now that you have the first article done, the step is to write another one. When you are searching for a job that is posting content online for others to view, then this job will usually be 3 articles for $20 or 5 articles for $25. That is to say that the company will pay you $20 or $25 for 3 or 5 articles, respectively. At this point, you have 2 options:

  1. You can turn in 3 articles and wait for the next job. However, this means waiting until the next job comes around so you do not have any extra time at all.
  2. You can keep writing articles and turning them in on a weekly basis. This may be slower than waiting for jobs to come in, but it allows you to balance your online income with other money making ventures.

In either case, it is important to work smart and work hard so that you can make as much money as possible while still doing other things in life.

Step 6: Send Your Content To Potential Employers

After you have written the article(s), then you can put them online on your own blog or website if you have one. If not, then try setting up a blog with a domain name (try Bluehost) in order to make sure that the website name is available and that people can find your content when they are searching online. Once you have that available, then send your links to your links to the potential employers.

Step 7: Re-Edit One More Time

It is very important to make sure that you do not send a sloppy piece of work to anyone who pays you to write. After sending out your content, then it is a good idea to go through it one more time just to make sure that there are no errors and that the information is still up-to-date.

Step 8: Reap What You Have Sown

If you have followed the steps outlined in this article and completed everything, then it is time for you to enjoy the fruits of your labors. If you have done a good job, then you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor by being able to work whenever you want and choosing whatever online jobs you want. With this, it is important to remember not to over extend yourself and that quality is much more important than quantity. By following these steps, then it will be possible for anyone to make money writing online!

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To make money writing online, it is very important to follow a certain process. See how easy it is when you know the steps that need to be taken! To see more jobs from home ideas, sign up for our newsletter below.


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