Resume/CV Writing

We are the leading Professional Resume and Curriculum Vitae (CV) Consultants. We are the best job interview coaches, too. What gives us the courage to make such bold statements? It's simply because this is the truth, and you are about to discover just that!

Over the last nine years, we have consistently helped professionals across the world achieve their dreams of career advancement by reviewing, editing, writing and consulting on their job-search documents: mainly Resumes, Curriculum Vitae (CVs) and cover letters, motivation letters, and personal statements among others. We have also successfully coached hundreds of candidates, including senior corporate officers (accountants, managers, directors), on how to ace the job interview process.

Today, our team of Professional Consultants, offers CV writing services to all cadres of professionals, from entry level, to those making career transitions, as well as those aspiring for higher positions.

What Makes Bridge Research Consulting Exceptional?

Unlike other CV consulting services, Bridge Research Consulting has been in the consulting industry for more than 9 years. This means that we:

  • Have true commitment and a sense of ownership and responsibility over what we do, and we have a reputation to uphold.
  • Have the experience in reviewing, editing and consulting on Resumes and CVs and know which one would pass, and which one wouldn't.
  • Have the experience in conducting job interviews for most senior management positions.
  • Understand the key words that senior managers and business owners need to hear the most from candidates both on the CV and during the job interview.

Our Motivation

Helping others to make the best of their careers is what keeps us going. We take pride in working for you with an insider's peak into what prospective employers look for in candidates. Using this intelligence, we help you to make the best presentation of your skills and experience to improve your chances of being invited for the interview, and then getting your dream job.

So, whether you are looking for the best professional Resume/CV consultant, or the most competent managers to take you through your job interview preparations, we've got you covered. Simply call us today for the best solution.

Top Services

  • Research Topic Selection
  • Concept Paper Drafting
  • Research Proposal Writing
  • Research Project Writing
  • Thesis Writing
  • Thesis Proofreading
  • Dissertation Writing
  • Data collection, Entry & Analysis
  • Research Article
  • Journal Publication
  • Research Poster Publishing
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Analysis Training
  • Statistical Data Analysis
  • Plagiarism Check
  • Plagiarism Reducing
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Market Research
  • Business Plans
  • Business Proposals
  • Professional CV writing
  • Scholarship Application