
How to Develop a Research Philosophy that Works

Developing a research philosophy is crucial for any researcher to effectively carry out their research activities. A research philosophy guides researchers in making decisions, selecting research methods, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. In this article, we will explore how to develop a research philosophy that works, including understanding the different research paradigms, identifying research questions, selecting research methods, and considering ethical considerations.

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Understanding Research Paradigms

Before developing a research philosophy, it is important to understand the different research paradigms. A research paradigm is a way of looking at the world that guides research methods and data analysis. There are three main research paradigms: positivism, interpretivism, and critical theory.


Positivism is a research paradigm that assumes that the world is objective and can be studied using scientific methods. This paradigm is commonly used in natural sciences and involves testing hypotheses and collecting quantitative data.


Interpretivism is a research paradigm that assumes that the world is subjective and complex, and that meaning is constructed through social interaction. This paradigm is commonly used in social sciences and involves collecting qualitative data and interpreting it to understand social phenomena.

Critical Theory

Critical theory is a research paradigm that aims to challenge existing power structures and promote social change. This paradigm is commonly used in social sciences and involves analyzing power relations, inequalities, and social injustices.

Identifying Research Questions

Once you have a basic understanding of research paradigms, the next step is to identify research questions. Research questions are the central questions that guide your research. They should be specific, answerable, and relevant to your research problem.

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Selecting Research Methods

After identifying research questions, the next step is to select research methods. Research methods are the specific procedures used to collect and analyze data. The choice of research methods should be based on the research questions, research paradigm, and ethical considerations.

Qualitative Research Methods

Qualitative research methods involve collecting and analyzing non-numerical data such as interviews, observations, and documents. Qualitative research is commonly used in interpretivism and critical theory paradigms.

Quantitative Research Methods

Quantitative research methods involve collecting and analyzing numerical data using statistical methods. Quantitative research is commonly used in the positivism paradigm.

Considering Ethical Considerations

Finally, it is important to consider ethical considerations when developing a research philosophy. Ethical considerations include issues such as informed consent, privacy, and confidentiality. Researchers should ensure that their research does not harm participants and that they have obtained informed consent from participants before collecting data.

In conclusion, developing a research philosophy is crucial for any researcher to effectively carry out their research activities. This involves understanding the different research paradigms, identifying research questions, selecting research methods, and considering ethical considerations. By following these steps, researchers can develop a research philosophy that works for their research problem and helps them to make meaningful contributions to their field.


What is a research philosophy?

A research philosophy is a way of looking at the world that guides research methods and data analysis.

What are the three main research paradigms?

The three main research paradigms are positivism, interpretivism, and critical theory.

What are research questions?

Research questions are the central questions that guide your research. They should be specific, answerable, and relevant to your research problem.

What are research methods?

Research methods are the specific procedures used to collect and analyze data.

What are ethical considerations?

Ethical considerations include issues such as informed consent, privacy, and confidentiality. Researchers should ensure that their research does not harm participants and that they have obtained informed consent from participants before collecting data.


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